Good morning, Empire! During the height of the pandemic, we noticed so many community members doing great things to keep spirits high and ensure everyone was taken care of. From Eat Local Pizza’s free pizza pledge, to Roots to Harvest’s Dignified Food Access program, we decided it was time to do our part. On Dec 16th, 2020 we decided to get out and engage with our community. We fired up our printers and got together nearly 200 high-quality, durable masks to donate around town. Last week, we did it again. We donated to the Shelter House, St. John Ambulance, and J. Co Supply to make sure our community was well defended against the pandemic.
We’d like to take a moment and address the pandemic in a way we haven’t really done yet. Let’s get the obvious out of the way and say; the pandemic has affected everyone in varying degrees of severity. For the most part, we’ve been able to band together as a community and forge a new way forward. In our own experiences, we relished the chance to work alongside the amazing team members at the Shelter House, the volunteers at St. John Ambulance, and the exciting guys and gals at J. Co Supply as we all worked together to make a difference through this donation. It may seem like a small gesture but we strongly believe if everyone makes a small difference, the impacts of the pandemic could be greatly reduced.
These last 2 years have forced us all to think a little differently. Think bigger, think smarter, think more efficiently, think about diversity. Many local businesses faced challenges they never even dreamed of. Pivoting and taking on the pandemic head-first was a transformative experience for everyone. We are humbled by the incredible inventors, dogged entrepreneurs, and loyal employees we’ve encountered throughout our time launching our business in Thunder Bay. Local business continues to thrive!
Thank you Thunder Bay, for showing us how to move forward in uncertain times. We might be a new company, but through watching all of you and learning from your power moves, we’ve accumulated enough knowledge and confidence to move forward with fresh eyes. We look forward to carving out our place in Thunder Bay and calling it our home for many years to come.
If you’re looking for something to do to help our community, consider downsizing your wardrobe and donating to a goodwill near you. With many of those most in need having been unable to find work in the last 2 years, affordable options for clothing are in high demand. If you’ve read this far and would like to take part by doing so, send us a receipt of your donation on Facebook for a special promotion code for 10% off of your entire next order since you’ll have to repack your dresser drawers!